Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stephen Colbert Learns the FEC Way

Actor-comedian Steven Colbert is the on-air personality of The Colbert Report, a Comedy Central TV show that could be called the Leftist Dummy Report, since many of its fans get their only news there.

You may recall that when the Dems ran the House, Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration invited Colbert to testify in character on his vast 10 hour experience working in the fields.  That session turned into a sideshow, upsetting John Conyers and other Democrat committee members as well as Conservative Hero Steve King.  You can read about it in this CBS report, which amusingly changes Lofgren's last name to Longfren -- presumably to protect her innocence.

When Colbert decided to show how bad the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision was by starting his own PAC, the real hilarity started.

Want to exercise your freedom of speech and association?  First get a lawyer, and then ask the Federal Election Committee for an exemption!