Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is Chris Christie THAT Guy?

New Jersey governor Chris Christie has drawn accolades from fiscal conservatives for battling with union members and others and for publicizing those battles on YouTube.  He certainly is combative and I cheer him for his choice of targets.

But is he a free-market fiscal conservative? 
A New Jersey friend sends this on Christie:
I mentioned this video which Christie discusses why he's going to stand with President Obama and make NJ a major producer of renewable energy. Just watch it. 
You will see that Christie has absolutely no understanding of free markets.  While almost all elected officials are "politicians" -- some care more about policy than politics.  Others it is the reverse.  I believe you will see Christie is a politician at heart and one who will blow with his wind energy policies.
BTW, despite all his budget cutting rhetoric, Christie found $100 million to subsidize offshore wind energy, all the while vetoing a Liquid Natural Gas terminal that was to be built off Sandy Hook, and  blocking the construction of a coal powered plant in Linden. 
Also, remember Christie is the only Republican Governor NOT to oppose Obamacare.  In fact, just appointed a pro-Obama care type to head up NJ's Dept of health. 
There's more.  But I think I've provided you with enough info to understand  my skepticsm about Christie being a real fiscal conservative.
Press Release from Christie's office bragging about Wind Energy policies  
With the current turmoil in the field of potential Republican Presidential nominees, some will raise Christie's name again.  It's important that we know as much about him as possible.

We should ask ourselves this: what it is about being elected governor of a liberal state like Massachusetts or New Jersey that we should consider a recommendation for the Republican nomination?