Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Is Chris Christie THAT Guy? (Part II)

My New Jersey friend -- whose judgement I trust -- sends her thanks for my spreading her word on Christie, and adds these points:

Please note, I am not saying Christie is horrible -- but I doubt he'd get more than a C+ or a B- if [a well known free market  organization] scored governors.
BTW, Christie also is not anti-public sector unions.  In fact, he says he loves collective bargaining, mostly because he loves being the tough guy with unions.  While it great that he want to be tough with them it is not a free market position.
Also, he continues to support NJ participating in regional cap & trade program called RGGI [Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative]  The governors of Maine & NH have both said they would pull their states out if legislation to do so is passed.  Christie, only after being heavily pressured, is saying he is considering taking NJ out of the pact.
So Christie has been a warm-earth taxer, too.  Indeed, he may yet be.  You can Google "RGGI Christie" for the details.

So he apparently is -- at least partly -- that guy*.
*That guy: The person everyone loves to hate and never wants to become.  You can Google it if you want to know more, but be prepared for some college humor.