Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I See Dead Policies

Yesterday, driving near a hospital Sherry and I saw a car driven by a man in medical scrubs with  the vanity plate ICDDPPL.  I think the reference is to the tagline of M. Night Shyamalan's directorial and Joel Haley Osment's acting breakouts in Sixth Sense: "I see dead people."  I didn't start laughing until it hit me that he was probably a pathologist who did autopsies.

Political pathologists are everywhere these days.  Here's Gloria Borger, getting the death of the progressivist agenda mostly right, except that she doesn't see it as that.

It is in its last throes, however.  The reason for the "enthusiasm gap" that has been so much described, is partly that the right and middle are energized against the Democrats, but there's more.  Conservative and Moderate Democrats are look-away-and-cover-your-eyes embarrassed that their party's long held ideals are now exposed as so clearly flawed, and so clearly rejected by a clear majority of the American body politic.  The woman who stood up and said to Obama "I'm just exhausted of defending you," is representative of those folks.

They might be too tired to bother voting, and the more he shouts at them, the more embarrassed and tired they'll get.