Friday, September 24, 2010

[9/16/10] Voters to NRSC Candidates: Listen Up!

Republican primary voters had a solid message for the Establishment-backed candidates like Mike Castle and Bob Bennett and Lisa Murkowski this primary season.  Like a good parent to an errant child they said "Listen up!  Pay attention.  You need to show me that you get it."

When the National Republican Senatorial Committee's candidates stood still and looked the adult supervision in the eye, listened carefully, and showed that they understood the error of their ways, they were allowed to stay in the room.  But recalcitrance of any sort was not tolerated.  Mild cases were given time out or were sent to their rooms.  Obstreperous ones were punished severely; some were completely disinherited.

Republican primary election voters have tried to turn this party on a dime.  The whiplash will be giving the elected class headaches for a couple of months.

But buried here is one number to be committed to memory: "40 percent of likely voters call themselves tea party supporters,"  and the tea party message is clear:
Don't raise taxes.  Stop borrowing so much.  Cut spending.  A lot.  Got it?  Leave us private sector adults in peace, cause we've got work to do.  Now get started cleaning up this mess you made here.
We'll be back in a couple of years to check on you.