Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Commissar in Chief

In 1982 the British band After the Fire released Der Kommissar, its English-language version of 1981's European smash hit by the Austrian band Falco.
Don't turn around. Uh, Oh!
The Commissar's in town. Uh, Oh!
Now, the Obama administration is determined to restore to Commissars their horrible power over individuals and private groups.

First they gave us dozens of Czars, and then thousands of pages of "The Secretary shall." Then they levied the requirement that hospitals and clinics run by a private group known for its beneficial and charitable efforts pay for insurance to cover services that group opposed on moral principle.

Now the Commissar in Chief declares that they won't have to pay. The insurance companies will be forced to pay for the services for free! Yeah. Right.

Oh, how fortunate we are to have such a benevolent leader, who has only our best interests at heart and grants us special dispensation from the ukases of his Commissars. Yeah. Right.

What gives them the right?  Certainly not the Constitution which he is sworn to uphold and which once guaranteed our right to make our own individual decisions in pursuit of happiness.

But now the tyranny of Der Kommissar has come.

I urge you to don buckskin and war paint and join me at the harbor every night and every day from now through November 6. We have work to do. We must restore our liberty on January 20, 2013.