Thursday, December 29, 2011

What's Wrong with Establishment Republican Strategy

Here is the question: what's wrong with the establishment Republican strategy that has their ideal nominee backed by only 20-25% of the Republican electorate in every poll since the end of the 2010 election?

Here is the entire answer: the establishment believes things will go back to the way they've been before.

Here, in the Wall Street Journal, Daniel Henninger explains why the establishment is oh, so very wrong.

Their problem is the more than half of the Republican electorate dressed in buckskin and war paint, ready to go down to the harbor and throw all of the establishments's dated spending notions into the Potomac.  The rebels did that in 2010, and they are ready to do it again.

If the establishment holds too firmly to those go-along-to-get-along notions that drove a stake in the heart of the Republican party from 2004 to 2008, they and their Goldman Sachs Fleabane Capitol alliance -- yes, I spelled capitol correctly -- will end up as crab food in the Chesapeake Bay.

That's the truth.  The Republican nominee must be able to say "Promises are promises and contracts are made to be enforced.  Failure must be allowed at the top of the system if it is allowed everywhere else.  We can not protect our financial leaders while productive small businesses fail by the hundreds of thousands.  Wall Street should get its own house in order, now, because I will not approve any New York money-center bailout in any future financial meltdown."  Only then will the Republican party have a standard bearer worthy of its grass roots.

The establishment had better learn to deal with that and with the fact that their man from Bain Capitol will never say that.