Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Money, Money, Money, Who's Got the Money

Many conservatives remain deeply fearful that a successful Obama campaign will be fueled by tanker trucks filled with the mother's milk of politics: cabbage, cash, cha-ching, coins, dough, gravy, green, jingle, moola, payola, pimp juice, or -- in other words -- all kinds of money!

The Obama campaign has announced that it will raise a B... B... Billion with a "B" dollars -- or, ho hum, roughly half the annual national spending on yogurt.  There is evidence that they aren't on track for that, including light turnout for their fundraising events so far.  But, never mind the forces of progressivist darkness and evil.

What are our guys doing to counter that?  Here is a report on fundraising activity by the right that will raise your spirits.  Fueled by the Supreme's new hit Citizens United, with it's catchy refrain "People in corporations have rights, too!" conservative super PAC's will mount independent campaigns in key races including the presidency.  And if "independent" makes your establishment Republican skin crawl, you might remember how wonderfully well the Republican National Committee and it's fair-haired, fifth-from-the-bottom-of-his-Academy-class, screw-up nominee did last time around.

Besides all that, Democrat 2008 fundraising for Obama and his progressivists was in a favorable environment where he could have made do with a lot less than he got.  This year his side will be struggling to protect more than twice as many seats in the Senate as the Republicans -- hence red-state senatorial-Democrat retirements -- as well as to get The Awesome One reelected in the midst of what looks to be a very bad year for progressivism. 

I'm hoping for another wave election; an 8.1 Liberty-scale tsunami would suit me just fine.  The sooner this worst economic regime in many a decade is gone, the better for individual economic liberty.

Then, we can all get back what we are meant to be doing: serving our neighbors and countrymen... and, in the process, making Money!