Mike Castle, Spendican Congressman from Delaware, was defeated yesterday for the Republican Party nomination for Joe Biden's Senate seat by Tea-Party-supported candidate Christine O'Donnell. Republican establishment figures nationwide, including the National Republican Senatorial Committee whose endorsement has turned out to be the kiss of death this year, have been counting Castle as a win in the primary for so long that they are quite enraged.
Karl Rove was all but sputtering as he attacked O'Donnell's "lack of qualifications" and "ethical problems" on Fox News last night. To Sean Hannity's credit, though somewhat taken aback, he managed a stout defense of O'Donnell as a "good candidate."
Polls have shown her a much weaker candidate in the general election than Castle -- polls that all had him the certain primary victor till the last few days -- so there is reason for concern. But Delaware isn't Massachusetts, having elected and reelected a Republican -- if only the RINO Castle -- as its single Representative to Congress for many years.
And you may recall that Massachusetts now has a Republican butt in the seat formerly occupied by that copious equine rear end, Ted Kennedy.
In case of panic attack, repeat to yourself "There are no safe seats for Democrats this year."