Every town with two local papers has a liberal one. New York's local liberal paper -- I sometimes refer to it as the NYLLP -- is also known as the New York T___s. It has its heads up its rears on all issues of economics, and for decades it had far too much influence, as all the national network news was produced in New York by people who read their opinions out of it through their glass belly buttons. Those audio-visual amplifiers, then spread its opinions to nearly everyone. That situation has changed quite a lot with the advent of Fox. But I digress.
If the NYLLP does one thing exceptionally well, it is the factual story. Yes, you are correct, they do it so rarely, you would hardly know. But here is one describing the various attempts to cap the flow of oil from the well drilled by the ill-fated Deepwater Horizon that is well worth studying. Unfortunately, it reads from the bottom up, like an email thread, but you should be able to figure it out.