Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Fruits of Anti-Colonialist Strategy

Dinesh D'Souza's point in his now-famous analysis of Obama's motivation on foreign and domestic policy alike is clear in the present Middle East policy crisis.

Our President knows exactly what he wants to do about the loss of respect for the U. S. in the Middle East: first, apologize for American values; then insult any American who dares speak up to point it out.

Obama's anti-Americanism -- motivated by his father's anti-colonialism -- is apparent in his campaign/administration's and its media allies' response to Romney's sensibly reasoned and perfectly articulated position statement on what the U. S. policy on Department of State apologies should be.

His cutesy Carteresque response to Romney's serious point suggests to me that Romney should respond with the quote from the sign on men's room walls:  "You aim too, please."

Paraphrasing Joe Biden,Sherry said to me that "because Obama is President, the U. S. government is a financial zombie, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens is dead."

How history judges us as a people capable of managing our own foreign policy depends on what we make of our historic opportunity to stop The Awesome One's random bowing to international crazies and to restore the respect for the U. S that should be held by allies and enemies alike.